Check out our list of upcoming events like Beat the Brewers Trivia, live music, yoga, pancake pop up and so much more!
Our events are FREE and open to all ages, unless otherwise noted.
***This list is always being updated as we add more fun things to the calendar. Check back often for more updates!
Highlighted denotes closure
Bold denotes monthly activities
Underlined - buy tickets link
Green - Special/seasonal events
​FEBRUARY - 2025 ​​​​​​
​Wednesday 2/5 (6pm-8pm) Live Music Series -Brothers Reed (Cancelled)
Saturday 2/8 (8am-12pm) Pancake Pop Up with Murf's Pancakes! Coffee from Wheelhouse, mimosas and shandys from Weekend
​Followed by Music Bingo from 1pm-3pm Buy Tickets Here
Tuesday 2/11 (6pm-7:30pm) Beat the Brewers Tuesday Trivia Topic: Sports
Wednesday 2/12 (6pm-8pm) Live Music Series - LoGee
Friday 2/14 Food truck specials
​6pm-8pm Betty's Ice Cream​
Sunday 2/16 (10:45am-11:45am) Weekend Wellness - Yoga - Focus on Core. Buy Tickets Here
Wednesday 2/19 (6pm-8pm) Live Music Series - Christina Hanks
Tuesday 2/25 (6pm-7:30pm) Beat the Brewers Tuesday Trivia - Topic: Rom Coms
Wednesday 2/26 (6pm-8pm) Live Music Series - Trevor Hanks
​​MARCH - 2025 ​​​​​
​Wednesday 3/5 (6pm-8pm) Live Music Series - Starvation Heights
Saturday 3/8 (8am-12pm) Murf's Pancake Pop Up. Followed by Music Bingo at 1pm
Tuesday 3/11 (6pm-7:30pm) Beat the Brewers Tuesday Trivia Topic: Music
Wednesday 3/12 (6pm-8pm) Live Music Series - Chris Baron
Sunday 3/16 (10:45am-11:45am) Weekend Wellness - Yoga - Focus on Balance Buy Tickets Here
DATE TBD - St. Patrick's Day Party! Kids activities, Jefferson Pipe Band, O'Meara's Irish Stout Release
Wednesday 3/19 (6pm-8pm) Live Music Series - Phil Reed
Tuesday 3/25 (6pm-7:30pm) Beat the Brewers Tuesday Trivia Topic: General
Wednesday 3/26 (6pm-8pm) Live Music Series - The Reverberays